The People Demand Freedom: A Call to Empty Saudi Prisons of Political Detainees

Together for Justice joins the growing chorus of voices demanding the liberation of Saudi prisons, which hold thousands of individuals unjustly detained for exercising their basic rights to freedom of expression. These men and women—activists, journalists, clerics, academics, and ordinary citizens—find themselves behind bars for actions as simple as posting a tweet, sharing a retweet, following dissidents, or expressing opposition to normalization with Israel.
Saudi Arabia’s pattern of silencing dissent through imprisonment reveals a systematic disregard for fundamental human rights and international legal obligations. As public outcry intensifies, the message is clear: freedom for political prisoners is not just a moral imperative but a necessary step toward justice and accountability.
A Systemic Violation of International Commitments
Saudi Arabia’s widespread arrests and arbitrary detentions contravene multiple international human rights treaties to which the kingdom is a signatory, including:
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR):
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR):
“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of their liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.”
By detaining individuals for peaceful expression or political advocacy, Saudi Arabia flagrantly disregards these legal obligations and perpetuates a culture of oppression.
A Demand Inspired by History
The demand to free Saudi political prisoners draws inspiration from the liberation of prisons in Syria following the collapse of its oppressive regime. Saudi citizens now echo this historic precedent, standing united in their call for justice.
Prisons overflowing with voices of dissent are not symbols of strength but of fear. History teaches us that regimes relying on repression to maintain power will ultimately falter under the weight of popular resistance. Saudi Arabia is no exception.
Urgent Calls for Action
Together for Justice calls on the Saudi authorities to:
Immediately and unconditionally release all prisoners of conscience, including activists, journalists, clerics, academics, and others unjustly detained for their opinions or peaceful actions.
Cease the use of vague and oppressive laws that criminalize free speech and peaceful dissent.
Protect detainees from torture and inhumane treatment and ensure their basic rights while in custody.
Allow international human rights organizations access to Saudi prisons to independently assess conditions and ensure compliance with global standards.
Furthermore, we urge the international community, including the United Nations, the European Union, and leading human rights organizations, to exert meaningful pressure on Saudi Arabia to immediately halt these violations and free all political prisoners.
The Cost of Continued Repression
Saudi Arabia’s detention policies not only undermine domestic stability but also damage its global standing. Suppressing peaceful dissent fosters widespread frustration and deepens societal divisions. Internationally, these abuses alienate Saudi Arabia from its partners and expose it to condemnation from rights organizations and democratic governments worldwide.
Hope for Justice and Freedom
Together for Justice stands firmly with the people of Saudi Arabia in their call to free political detainees and to end the ongoing repression. Freedom is not a privilege granted by the powerful; it is a fundamental human right.
We remind Saudi authorities that repression cannot silence the voices of justice. The call for freedom will only grow louder until the walls of injustice crumble and every innocent detainee regains their liberty.