
Activists Behind Bars: Freedom for Blogger Mohamed Al-Jedaie

Time is passing and the reality of human rights in Saudi Arabia is deteriorating continuously, while the international community remains silent, and other governments are following a negative approach towards massive violations that vulnerable people are exposed to at the hands of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, which have economic and commercial interests with the West, that they consider of the highest priority than human rights.

Saudi prisons are full of political detainees, including activists, academics, thinkers and opinion holders, all of whom share a love of the homeland, but in their own way based on the principles of democracy and the desire for everyone to enjoy the freedom and the right to express an opinion without restrictions.

One of the most prominent of these detainees is the activist and blogger on social media, Mohamed Al-Jadaei, who was arrested by the Saudi security services in March last year in mysterious circumstances. He has not been presented to any judicial body or allowed the family or lawyer to know the reasons for the arrest or communicate with him.

Al-Jadaei arrest took place during the Corona crisis, and despite global calls for the need to reduce the numbers of prisons around the world as precautionary measures to prevent the spread of Corona; the Arab regimes, including Saudi Arabia, refused to respond to these demands, and kept all detainees in their cells, although many of them do not pose a danger to society and they are not charged with any criminal or moral charges, the state considers them as such as long as they have an opinion.

We renew our demands to the concerned working groups at the United Nations, the Human Rights Council, and all the international partners of the Saudi regime to intervene to pressure the Saudi regime for the urgent and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience and political prisoners in Saudi Arabia, including the activist Mohamed Al-Jadaei, who lost his freedom and the rest of his basic rights for trying to express his opinion.

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