Al-Hathloul family: Loujain has not won her freedom yet

“I kindly ask you not to use say “free” when you are refering to Loujain’s release, as she is still under a travel ban and conditional freedom”. The family of the young Saudi female detainee, Loujain Al-Hathloul, made this statement on their daughters’ release who spent 1001 days without a clear charge except that she said no to the Saudi royal palace.
Although some cultural and social changes made by bin Salman are similar to those of Al-Hathloul’s, she got imprisoned with others for those ideas.
Why? Because bin Salman did not forget her that she once said no.
Severe Torture
For citizens to have the courage to say “no” is among tyrants’ fears, and Loujain said no to the palace.
Her brother, Walid Al-Hathloul, said in a tweet “While I was talking to Loujain today, I blamed her for telling me that she is fine while she was detained in a secret prison and subjected to torture during the first month of her detention. She replied: what could I do, they put the electricutor on my ears to torture me if i said anything”.
Alia Al-Hathloul, Loujain’s sister, also wrote on Twitter commenting on the use of the word “free” to describe her sister’s release, saying: “After a thousand nights and one , I was finally able to see my dear sister’s face Loujain, but I cannot say that she is free. I can not forget that Al-Odah, Al-Sadhan, Al-Rabiah and others are still subjected to serious injustice”.

As for international interaction, the US President Joe Biden announcing the news himself on a video, while Al-Hathloul family commented on Biden’s video saying “From the Pentagon, the US President welcomes the release of Loujain. Thank you very much for this support but I would just like to make it clear that she is not in prison now, but she is banned from traveling and so are all family members”.
The French President Emmanuel Macron, who is trying to calm the Arab street after the crime of supporting insulting the Prophet Muhammad in Paris, also tweeted, “I welcome the release of Loujain Al-Hathloul and I congratulatet her family.”
Another Loujain is Free
In the context, human rights activists reported on social media, that the Saudi authorities have released the blogger, who has been in detention since 2018, Nouf Abdel Aziz, within a few hours of Loujain’s release.
The WHRDMENA shared on Twitter that Nouf Abdel Aziz was released on Wednesday.

Dozens of Saudi activists shared tweets celebrating the release of Nouf, who was arrested in June 2018, according to Reporters Without Borders, although the Saudi authorities have not issued any official statement about this.
Nouf is a Saudi academic who studied Arabic literature at a university in Saudi Arabia, while working as a journalist with well-known Saudi media outlets, including “Sabq” newspaper and the government “Al Majd” channel.
After 2011, Nouf started blogging on social media, which put her under the spotlight, despite keeping her photos and personal life private.
The activist was detained on June 6, 2018 in the case of “embassy agents” with 16 other defendants, who were accused taking organized action against the religion and the nation, communication with foreign parties, recruiting people to work in sensitive government sites, and providing financial support to hostile parties abroad, with the aim of undermining the security and stability of the Kingdom.”
more: A Saudi prince was forcibly disappeared with his father