Justin Bieber: Your Concert in Saudi Arabia Would be a Dance on the Victims’ Pain

The “Together for Justice” team urged the international star to take a moral stand and stand for victims of human rights in the Arab region, and to abandon the idea of holding a concert in Saudi Arabia, which is scheduled to be held next month within the activities of the 2021 Formula One World Championship, which is heldong in Saudi Arabia.
The huge concert, which will be part of a state-sponsored music festival, funded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is scheduled to take place on December 5, and will greatly contribute to improving the image of Saudi Arabia, which has been tarnished by the regimes violations of human rights.
The Formula 1 race or Justin Bieber’s party, both are attempts by the Saudi regime to whitewash its bloody record against human rights, and to cover up its brutal crimes against opponents at home, and civilian victims in Yemen, who got shattered by the Saudi-led war more than six years ago and turned Yemen into the poorest country in the world, and caused the worst humanitarian disaster in history.
These parties and sports competitions are supposed to reflect tolerance and love among all peoples, and a means to spread peace in the world, but the Saudi regime can only fuel wars and conflicts; Yemen is an example.
Saudi prisons are another example of the oppression and tyranny of the ruling regime in Saudi Arabia, as it is full of detainees, including opponents, opinion holders, thinkers, academics, activists and journalists, men, women and even children, all of whom suffer from ill-treatment and poor detention conditions, in addition to the deprivation of their most basic rights to a fair trial or the appointment of a lawyer.
Saudi detention centers have turned into cemeteries for the slow killing of detainees due to the inhumane conditions, medical neglect and the denial of communication with the family in most cases, which negatively affects the psyche of the detainees.
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia itelf has turned into a large prison, in which everyone is forbidden from expressing their opinion, and where it is unacceptable to criticize the policies of the ruling regime or to demand change, reform and democracy.
These attempts by the regime aim to delude the world that Saudi Arabia is now living in a new era of progress and prosperity, but the reality of its prisons and the regime’s policies against the opposition confirms that it is still trapped in the Middle Ages and the dungeons of complete darkness that reject change and pluralism in governance.
Justin Bieber’s participation in any activity in Saudi Arabia would make him complicit in the crimes and violations of this regime and should refuse to cooperate with such regome, and issue a statement criticizing Saudi Arabia’s brutal and bloody behavior towards opponents, and demand the prosecution of those responsible for those crimes that still exist.
All public figures around the world should not allow the Saudi regime to commit more crimes and violations, the price of which is paid by the innocent people of the Saudi and Yemeni peoples. By refusing to cooperate with the Saudi regime at all levels, it would ensure the improvement of human rights conditions, compensation for victims, and accountability of criminals.