
Saudi Arabia ranks high in human rights violations

Saudi Arabia scored 2.4 out of 10 in public safety measures, as it ranked second in the most dangerous countries for citizens around the world.

According to the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI), Saudi Arabia came as the second-worst country in the world among 36 countries, thus becoming one of the most “unsafe” countries in terms of human rights.

The position occupied by Saudi Arabia did not surprise observers of the human rights situation in the kingdom, which is living in a very dark era due to the regime controls on citizens and the severe restrictions on their freedoms.

The crimes of the Saudi regime, under the Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman, also played a major role in maintaining this position for successive years – whether by this organization or other international organizations such as Reporters Without Borders, which classified Saudi Arabia as one of the most dangerous countries for Journalism and the safety of journalists.

According to the indicators of the report published several days ago, the degree of safety in Saudi Arabia is 4.2, which indicates that many people are not safe for one or more reasons including arbitrary arrest, torture, disappearance, execution or extrajudicial killing.

The report added that compared to the other 35 countries, the performance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is worse than the average.

With regard to empowerment rights, Saudi Arabia scored 1 out of 10, the lowest among 36 countries measured, which was due to the government’s ban on protests, restrictions on freedom of expression, restrictions on the work of civil society organizations, and the denial of citizens rights to participate in public life or voting. This score reveals that many people do not enjoy civil and political freedoms, freedom of expression, assembly, and the formation of organizations and associations.

Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia got this ranking due to its appalling human rights record, which is getting worse over time.

Since Mohammed bin Salman assumed the mandate of the covenant, a fierce repressive campaign has been launched against all segments of society to eliminate any critic or opposition against the government’s policies.

Saudi prisons are currently filled with detainees, men, women and the elderly, and even children, with disregard of age or gender. The common factor between them all is that they loved their country and wanted it to be democratic and respecting human rights, which did not appeal to the repressive authorities, as democracy poses a threat to their governance.

The murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside his country’s consulate in Istanbul is the biggest reason behind the kingdom’s obtaining such classifications, especially since this heinous crime highlighted the brutal way in which the regime deals with its opponents, and revealed another series of security prosecutions and threats to opponents abroad.

The crimes of the Saudi regime have reached an unprecedented level of repression, arrests, theft of detainees’ money, physical liquidations, and collective punishment of their families.

In this regard, we join Talia Rodin, spokesperson for the Human Rights Measurement Initiative and we stress that every state has the same duty to its people, according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention against Torture, and other international treaties.

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