
Saudi Singer in Arbitrary Detention for Two Years over Qatar Tweet

It has been two years since the end of the prison sentence of the imprisoned singer Rabih al-Hafiz. However, the Saudi security services continued to refuse his release, despite the family repeated appeals.

In September 2017, al-Hafiz was arrested during the fierce campaign launched by the Saudi authorities against a number of academics, preachers, political opponents, and activists. In detention, he was subjected to solitary confinement and denied family and lawyer visits. Despite completing his unfair prison term in 2021, he was kept in jail without any legal basis.

Al-Hafiz was arrested over tweets calling for reconciliation between the Gulf countries. Although the Saudi and Qatari authorities signed a reconciliation deal two years ago, activists detained over the same charge remained in jail.

Al-Hafiz was charged for violating the Terrorism Law articles and supporting enemies of the Kingdom. However, he was filmed in a TV program from jail in 2018 while celebrating the “Foundation Day” and singing national anthem along with his inmates.

In this regard, we call for the immediate release of Rabih Al-Hafiz, who has been victim of arbitrary detention for six years. We also call on the international community to intervene urgently to put pressure on the Saudi authorities to free all political prisoners and open an investigation into the violations they were subjected to.

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