
Settler Violence: When Will International Community Stop its Double Standards Policy?

Last week witnessed a noticeable escalation in Israeli settler attacks on West Bank villages and towns along the road linking Ramallah and Nablus, mainly in Turmusaya village.

According to eyewitnesses, more than 500 armed settlers stormed the towns on Tuesday evening under the protection of Israeli occupation forces. The settler attacks lasted for several hours until dawn on Wednesday, leaving dozens of cars and houses burned and many local residents injured.

Meanwhile, the occupation forces carried out similar attacks in other parts of the West Bank, killing more than five Palestinians, including a 15-year-old girl.

The latest settler attacks came after Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved the building of 1,000 new settler homes, in flagrant violation of international laws that consider these settlements illegal.

Settler violence is constantly increasing, especially under the extreme-right-wing government. Instead of taking a decisive position to put an end to these increasing Israeli violations, world leaders continue to ignore and remain idly by these heinous crimes.

Unfortunately, the Arab countries are still racing to normalise ties with the occupation authorities while turning a blind eye to the Israeli violations and crimes against the Palestinian people. Today, Arab regimes, mainly the Saudi and Emirati regimes, turned their backs on the Palestinian cause and chose to normalise ties with the Israeli occupation.

We call on the international community to stop its double standards policy, to hold accountable the Israeli officials involved in human rights violations against the Palestinians, and to bring justice to the Palestinian victims who are already suffering from increasing violations by the Palestinian Authority.

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