
The Press is in Trouble: “We are Bedouin” but without their Morals

The committee responsible for the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival decided to name “We are Bedouin” as a slogan for the sixth festival, which is held in December of each year, in response to the statements of former Lebanese Foreign Minister Charbel Wahba in which the term “Bedouin” was used as an insult to the people of the Arabian Gulf region.

According to Fahd bin Hathleen’s statements, this slogan is an expression of pride in the Saudi historical identity, which contributed to the prosperity and development of the Kingdom. Therefore, Sheikh Fahd bin Falah bin Hithlin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Camel Club, issued a decision to adopt “We are Bedouin” as the official logo of the festival.

The Bedouin cannot have their freedom restricted at all. They are free, courageous, and generous. The regime claims to defend the reputation of the Bedouins while it is the one tarnishing it.

According to the World Press Index, Saudi Arabia is ranking 170 out of 180 globally in terms of press freedom, in the black zone, which is the most dangerous region in the world for the lives of journalists, not only for their work.

We affirm that this regime has suppressed the press, there is no freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of opinion, all of which are morals of Arab, who always speak the truth, but if they spoke under this regime, their fate would be death or imprisonment.
The Saudi regime is detaining 31 journalists, including women, as well as hundreds of opposition detainees including preachers, academics, activists, and human rights defenders.

The authorities launch massive electronic campaigns to undermine opponents on social media, using armies of electronic files, as well as extensive surveillance of web users and non-stop hacking attempts.

in addition to blocking websites of parties and bodies that oppose the Saudi regime and criticize its increasing violations of human rights.

We strongly condemn the double standards with which the Saudi regime deals when it comes to human rights and freedom of opinion and expression.
We call the authorities to improve the human rights situation in the Kingdom which has turned into a mega-prison for its sons who only dreamed of an advanced homeland that competes with the big countries in all areas of life.

You can find the names of the imprisoned journalists in Saudi Arabia here.

More: The world must take action to close the secret prisons in Yemen

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