
Unknown fate of Saudi Detainee Amani Al-Zain who Enforcibly Disappearance for six months

Amani Al-Zain

In May 2020 the Saudi blogger Amani Al-Zain joined a live streaming with the Egyptian activist Wael Ghoneim, during which she described Mohammed bin Salman as “Mister Bone Saw”. Since then Amani got arrested by the security services and disappeared.
“Together for Justice” and other human rights organisations are deeply concerned over her fate since she has been under enforced disappearance for six months.

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Amani Al-Zain

According to other human rights organisations, the disappearance of the Saudi blogger came after electronic committees of the Saudi Crown Prince on Twitter launched an incitement against her claiming that she offends the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.
The Gulf Centre for Human Rights sated that Amani last used her Twitter on May 16, 2020, which is unusual as she uses her account to express her different opinion on an ongoing basis.
The Centre added that the Saudi blogger is against the arbitrary arrests, repression and killing campaigns by the Saudi authorities, and she is a strong human rights activist in Saudi Arabia.
The account of detained Saudi women on Twitter called for revealing the fate of the blogger Amani Al-Zain, disclose her whereabouts and immediately release her.
The Geneva Council for Rights and Freedoms (GCRL) also called on the Saudi authorities to disclose the whereabouts of Amani Al-Zain and release her, as she did not commit a crime when she used an “expression” she borrowed from the New York Times. GCRL renewed its call on the Saudi authorities to give the young people the freedom to use their right to freedom of expression of opinion, release detainees and compensate them for their arbitrary detention and the physical and psychological abuse they have been subjected to inside Saudi detention facilities.

Amani Al-Zain

Since 2017, Saudi Arabia has been carrying out huge arrest campaigns against dozens of princes, senior officials, current and former ministers, businessmen, activists, clerics, academics, and politicians, after accusing them of a set of charges, all related to national security, although they have only expressed their opinion.
Together for Justice organization renews its call to the Saudi authorities to reveal the fate of the Saudi activist and blogger Amani Al-Zain, after the recently formed state security forces of bin Salman arrested her from her house in Jeddah and hid her for the sixth month. The organization also holds the Saudi authorities responsible for her life and safety.

more: Saudi detainees should not be used as a political tool

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