
After Suspension of Arms Deals; Khashoggi’ photos Displayed on the Walls of the Saudi Embassy in Washington

Through light technology, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi photo decorated the Saudi embassy building in Washington.

On Thursday evening, pictures and messages about Jamal Khashoggi and “The Dissident” film were desplayed on the facades of the Saudi and UAE embassies in Washington.

A Memorial for Jamal Khashoggi | The New Yorker

This coinsided with the increasing pressures on the US to reassess relations with Riyadh due to its violation of the human rights file, the horrific killing of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the Yemen war.

The ABC News correspondent, Connor Finnegan, said that the messages were transmitted by the Human Rights Foundation “HRF”, as part of the efforts being made to push US President Joe Biden to reconsider the status of US-Saudi relations, adding that the photos were displayed on the Saudi and UAE embassies, the Trump Hotel, and their financial partners in New York such as KPMG and Goldman Sachs.

Jamal Khashoggi killing: Saudi Arabia hopes world will forget - Business  Insider

The journalist wrote on his Twitter account.”Those who deal with the Saudi regime and benefit from it are whitewashing the crimes of Mohamed bin Salman and his government”, adding that the photos and messages about Khashoggi and the documentary of his murder, were very strong, as it called the Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman a “murderer”.

He also stressed that Biden addressed Saudi harshly during his electoral campaign as he said  “I would like to make it clear that we will not sell them more weapons, in fact, we will make them pay the price and make them pariahs as they are” and he called for accountability on Khashoggi’s killing.

It is noteworthy that on Thursday, the Biden administration had temporarily froze US arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, while some congressmen  continue to pressure Biden to stop the Saudi arms deal, and to take other steps to hold the the Saudi authorities accountable for its violations of human rights.

READ MORE: Abdulrahman Al-Sadhan: Model of suffering of the families of prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia

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