
Escalating Human Rights Violation in Saudi Arabia

Violation in Saudi Arabia

Several complaints of health deterioration of detainees as well as anxiety and fear for others due to the secrecy of their trial have been rising in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia

The first and most recent case was Osama Al-Hasani’s who has been arrested by the Moroccan authorities upon arriving to the country, despite entering with his Australian passport, which prompted the Australian embassy to intervene to stop his deportation.

The Moroccan authorities scheduled to bring him to trial, on Wednesday, March 03, but it delayed it until March 9, under pressure from human rights group’s activists.

يواجه أسامة الحسني ، وهو مواطن أسترالي قُبض عليه في المغرب ، تسليمه إلى  السعودية

Al-Hasani’s wife said that the Moroccan authorities had forcibly detained her for four hours in a row and exerted various pressures on her in order to sign a memorandum concerning her husband, but she refused to sign. Unknown numbers called her phone and sent messages threatening her in the case she insisted not to sign.
Al-Hassani’s wife also said that he takes regular blood pressure medication and the Moroccan authorities still refuse to bring him medication, and transferred him to a notorious prison where visitations never take place.

أريج السدحان | الخليج أونلاين

Hi wife warned the authorities of the deterioration of her husband’s health and appealed to human rights organizations to advocate and support her husband until he is released.
Several organizations responded and called for the immediate release of Al-Hasani. Together for Justice organization said that the release of Al-Hassani is a legal and humanitarian matter, as his ongoing detention puts his life at risk and his deportation to Saudi would put him at great danger.

المغرب تؤجل جلسة محاكمة "الحسني" إلى 8 مارس القادم - MBS metoo

The organization called the Moroccan authorities to release him immediately.
Al-Hasani is a Saudi citizen residing in the UK and holds Australian citizenship. He is a former university professor, with good reputation, and he is not interested in any political activities in Saudi. He was arrested at Morocco airport while on his way to visit his family there.

Trial of Al-Sadhan

News of Abdel Rahman Al-Sadhan’s appearance after disappearing for three years was the second prominent human rights news in Saudi Arabia.
Abd al-Rahman called his family for one minute telling them that he is alive and will go to court soon, without identifying the time or place of the trial.   His sister wrote a tweet saying that his voice was tense, and they understood that the call was supervised.

شاب سعودي لم يتواصل مع أهله من السجن سوى دقيقة واحدة فقط

He also informed them that the Saudi authorities have appointed a lawyer to defend him. Several human rights organizations responded to the tweet and called on the Saudi Authorities to disclose details of the trial, and to enable the family to appoint him a lawyer to defend him.

Loujain in a New Trial Session

The National Detainees Twitter account for Saudi activist shared a picture of Loujain Al-Hathloul heading to attend an appeals court session following her release over the past few days.

Many people reacted and announced their full support for her freedom and the freedom of all Saudi people.

ترشيح الناشطة الهذلول ومصورة تركمانية ومحام صيني لجائزة مارتن اينالز لحقوق  الإنسان - فرانس 24

 Human rights organizations called for the urgent release of all detainees and giving them the right to defend themselves before depoliticized courts, to prove their innocence of the charges brought against them by the authorities of Saudi Arabia. 

more: Bin Salman Shocked at Khashoggi’s Murder Clamor

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